Blown Shutter

What great timing for the shutter on my Mark IIn to blow. I fly to Beijing to cover the Olympics in four days. I hope CPS can take care of me.


  1. BWJones says:

    Doh! CPS should be able to take care of you in time…. barely.

  2. Mark Johnston says:

    A little extra stress on top of what’s already there?

  3. Mark Johnston says:

    A little extra stress on top of what’s already there?

  4. Sam Morris says:

    You’ll be good. Don’t sweat it. Use what you’ve got – which ain’t equipment.

    Channel some David Burnett and stay away from the pack.

    Have a good time. I think that will make the better images. We don’t communicate because of the camera, we communicate because we have something to say and we can say it regardless of the medium.

    Man, I’ve had too much coffee tonight.

    Looking forward to seeing what you and everyone else sees in China. Well, if you can see through th smog.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Don’t sweat it. You’ll be able to work with whatever you have.

    Channel some David Burnett and get away from the pack.

    Relax and have fun. It will make for better images.

    You are going because of what you see and what you can communicate, and it can be done with whatever you have at your disposal.

    And I have to lay off the late night coffee.

    Rock it and have a blast.

  6. Sam Morris says:

    Don’t sweat it. You’ll be able to work with whatever you have.

    Channel some David Burnett and get away from the pack.

    Relax and have fun. It will make for better images.

    You are going because of what you see and what you can communicate, and it can be done with whatever you have at your disposal.

    And I have to lay off the late night coffee.

    Rock it and have a blast.

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